Hill Cliff

It was a lovely day and I wanted to do some hills. Eco mum dropped me off after lunch and the family headed off to the Mull weavers.

The hills were alive with butterflies, small birds and flowers. it was great to see bees as well. The first hill had a trig point , but not at the summit, I like trig points and this was a cyclinderical one. I always associate the cyclinderical trig points with remote North west hills.

The second hill of the day ended abruptly into a cliff and dropped into the sea. The waterfall dropped off the cliff and there was apparently a gully that you could drop down to the bas of the cliff, just looked scary.

The slopes were facing the sun and loads of crickets were hoping around and lizards. I sat at the summit for a while enjoying the view to the islands of Jura, Scarba and the other small ones.

On the way out I stopped at some old blackhouse ruins, after the noise and life off the hills this place was dead and silent, not even birds flying around.

A long run down to the road and picked up by eco mum.

This is Creachan Mor.

This is a backblip.

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