Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy

Camp Kidzone

Today marked the end of Camp Kidzone. I stayed today and was the resident 'photographer' of the day. Took 111 pictures and had fun doing it...even in the heat. :D There were ALOT of pictures to choose from for my blip, but I picked this picture of Landon (with pink tired eyes) holding up a project he made me at Camp Kidzone. Didn't he do a great job?

Afterwards I tried really hard to get Landon to take a nap because he was exhausted and all 3 boys were going to Nana & Papa's house in the evening. Well, after 2 hours of him coming out of his room every 3 minutes saying he had slept and then kicking and screaming when I told him he hadn't....I went for the Tylenol. Naps haven't happened for him in about 2 years (willingly, that is). They happen on occasion by accident when watching a movie on the couch or on a car trip.

I was lucky enough to get to have a little date night with my hubby in the evening. We went to my favorite mexican restaurant and to see Eclipse. It was my favorite one of the 3 so far...REALLY GOOD MOVIE! I'm just a bit obsessed, though. I hear they have a term for it....a Twihard. I guess that's me.

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