
By Fisherking

After the rain

An early blip today, we're having a friend round for dinner. Not liver with fava beans and a nice chianti, just a spag bol and beers and my caption prize wine. I missed the big drinkies last night due to the same friend having a crisis. So this morning when I awoke to pounding rain, checked my facebook and read all the comments about the wildness of my colleagues out on the tiles I was not a happy bunny.

Deciding on a nicotine blast I went out into the garden and stared at the Boss's pride and joy, multiple clematis, we have about 40 of them. I don't know what came over me but I went back in for the camera and started clicking, not like me at all.

The rest of the day has been very humdrum, I have a fishing match tomorrow so went to meet the boys and buy the bait, checked and sorted all the gear ready for a 5.30 a.m. start. The Boss decided that what was essential this afternoon was to clean out all the kitchen drawers and clean and WD40 all the runners. Where does all the rubbish come from? Why have we got 7 bottle openers, a spirit level key ring, a small tin of random jigsaw pieces ( no one's done a jigsaw in this house for at least 10 years), a tiny child's fork but no knife or spoon, a pebble and a toffee hammer? Plus other things too numerous to mention, and why have most of them gone back in the drawers "Just in case we need it"?

Now it's time to start the spag bol. Decisions, decisions, should we make from scratch or cheat and open a jar of sauce? Spaghetti or some other shape? Garlic flat bread or not? Red or white, or both? Some things are sent to vex us!
Whatever we decide itll be a good night. It always is when Therese visits we'll talk about work, Spain and her daughter and end up remembering when Pete was still with us and then about midnight it will break up, I'll get about 5 hours sleep and another day will start.

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