
By LadyFindhorn

Life Turns 1

An early start on a morning shrouded in low mist to take daughter #3 to the airport for the shuttle to London on her way back to Muscat.
A friend had given her 5Kg of bacon rashers to take with her, but apparently that tipped the balance for weight in her case, and she was forced to take the parcel out and put it in her hand luggage. She got through security with it at Edinburgh, but was a bit doubtful about Heathrow. She was sanguine about it and said if she didn't clear the X-ray machines, there would be bacon butties for very many airline employees.

Edinburgh granddaughter is with us today and we've introduced her to the delights of the land of flowers where she reduced the average age by several years.
She chose the biggest cake on offer and then couldn't finish it, so I helped her out.
No lunch for me today then.

With no particular blip in mind, I thought to engage his Lordship in the land of Life-Turns.
With the diagrams printed out on paper, one might have thought it would be so easy to replicate one of them. Not so. Left leg forward, right leg back, right arm forward- no, not across your chest, pointing forward- left arm back a bit- no more back a bit- right arm forward a bit more......... His Lordship got more and more tetchy as the instructions continued...... OK this is the last stance, so hurry up......Just one more.... I haven't got your feet in the frame.... oh no, now I haven't got your head in........ the bush is in the way,,,, can you move down the path a bit so that I can get out of the gate to get you all in with minimal bush...... We were heading for a domestic, but I finally got a stance I was happy with.
Hopefully the resulting blip will pass muster, although 'I hae me doots' as they say up here.

Now about to ask Lucy to help me make a banana loaf for Mr & Mrs David77's arrival tomorrow.
Never a dull moment in the castle these days.

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