Pollination army

In addition to making delicious honey, providing beeswax, and being pretty darn cute honestly, honey bees pollinate our crops. This is HUGE, and the chances are most if not all of the things you ate today were directly or indirectly made possible by the pollination service these little gals and countless other pollinators provided. These are what are called ecosystem services, services provided free of charge by nature and often take for granted and overlooked by us. So next time a confused honey bee careens around your head mistaking your bright red blouse for a giant red impatia flower, instead of swatting her away in manic hysteria calm down, gently shoo her on, and give thanks.

Without honey bees Becca and I would not be enjoying all the delicious produce from her family farm. Sweetcorn, tomatoes, squash, peaches, and oh so many blueberries and raspberries! They went perfect in a homemade berry pie Becca had the good patience to help teach me to make, though she deserved most of the credit. It was like a sugary sunset in your mouth, as in divine. Thanks gals!

Earlier in the day I went out with Becca's mom and niece to help check on a few hives we missed the other day. As usual the bees were busy at work and paid us little mind too engrossed in their honey making. I snapped this shot of one of the combs. I like the one with her butt poking out gorging on honey away from the rest of the group in the middle. I can totally identify for some reason...

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