Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium



A very lazy day today, so no sightseeing photos to show you yet! It wasn't at all what we had planned but it was very welcome. Since the weather was fantastic, we wandered around the Sunday market in the morning (complete with traditional regional dancing), had a lovely lunch then hit the beach at Trouville.

I'm not a massive beach fan but it was nice to relax for a bit, and the gulls kept me entertained. This cheeky chap stole a bit of someone's Cornetto :)

PS: We were all very sad that Holland lost the final. My boyfriend lived in Amsterdam a few years ago so always supports the Dutch once England are knocked out. Watching in French was very amusing though, I found myself mimicking the commentators without even realising, like saying "oooooh la la!" when a bad tackle went in. They're much more entertaining than our commentators!

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