Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium



Today was Cathedral Day, as we left Ian's friends in Normandy and started our journey south. First stop was Chartres, then Orléans, and finally we stayed in Bourges. All three were very impressive in their own way. Chartres is a lovely small town, well preserved and the cathedral has a fantastic lofty interior (if a bit gloomy). It was probably my favourite of the three. Orléans is bigger, and unfortunately was in the process of building a tram network, so the roadworks took something away from what seems a very pretty town. It also has tributes to Joan of Arc everywhere. Bourges had another great looking cathedral, and a fairly pleasant town, though it seemed that most of the restaurants were closed for the holidays.

This was also our first night camping, having stayed in Chambres d'Hotes in the North. We had no trouble getting a pitch at a very nice campsite and had a comfortable enough night. I love camping but the other half isn't so keen!

The picture is of one of the sculptures on the side of Chartres Cathedral. The building was having some renovation done, as you can see some of the figures are looking a bit worse for wear but in general the place is in good nick. I thought he looked a bit like the Phantom of the Opera :)

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