Katie, this is the sea

8 days old

Another day full of 'firsts' for Katie. This started with her first trip in the car with Mummy. This was the point at which I realised how much little Katie didn't like being in the car.  I got to the petrol station and cried, I couldn't believe how much it hurt that here was something that happened that I couldnt' fix immediately. Of course, the second I cuddled her, all was better!

The next first was ride in a supermarket trolley! This was meant to be a very quick dash. However, we got there and my best friends mum was in there too. There was NO WAY i was getting out without Lisa having a cuddle. The only issue here is that my best friend is currently living in Australia and won't see Katie until she is 9 months old. Lisa of course immediately ran home and gloated in big letters via facebook that she'd beaten Lauren to a Katie cuddle

When we escaped Sainsburys (apparently the whole town wanted petrol the same time I did) it was to head for Katie's first proper trip to the beach. 

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