Still a 'tiny baby'

9 days old

The little trousers in this picture are tiny baby. They lasted Katie about 2months, bless her. She has quite dinky little legs, even now (9months on) she is at least a size behind on trousers, sometimes two!

Today Katie had her first trip out in the sling. And boy did she love it. My world changed from there on in. Katie hadn't yet proved to be a fan of the pram, but this was a whole different story. Sadly, the arctic winter that followed made it not really safe to carry her in the sling all the time, much to her disgust!

Katie's grandparents had taken her brother out for the day, so we were left to walk their dog. Milly wasn't really sure what to make of Katie. Katie was entirely unbothered by Milly, and slept snuggled against me!

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