Thistle Down

By Ethel

Adding Up

I weigh my days,
To see where value comes.
When was the time,
Life had its greatest sum?

Was it in the prime of life,
When glamour days would show?
Or was it when I was newly born,
My answer comes

Was it in my life of marriage,
With radiance all aglow?
When children made me grow up fast,
My answer comes

And now...I am old,
Is it when I am slow?
When wisdom pours like nectar,
My answer comes

O tell me...when was life so great?
Tell me...and let me pause.
When did life gain its greatest sum?
In my growing up was.

E.P. 1908 - 1989

Family; This is an old cider press. Used to press apples into cider. The machine chopped up the apples, and by hand-turning the crank, the chopped apples were squeezed into juice (cider).

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