
By Fisherking


Like a Cadillac, sting like a Beemer!

Another fishing blip today. This ladies and gents is a waggler float. It waggles in the water and is used to catch fish either on the bottom of the pond/lake/river or up near the surface.

Why this photo today? Well sad person that I am I was preparing for a big match on a commercial fishery next Sunday. My normal method, using a pole, is no good because there are some huge carp (30+ pounds) and they would just destroy a pole if you hooked into one. So it's the old fashioned way with a rod, a reel and a float.

There are many different types of float, apart from the waggler, some made from wood, some from plastic and old floats used to be made from peacock quills and pocupine spines. Common types include:-
Splashing waggler
Pellet waggler

There, now you know more about fishing floats than you ever wanted to. Look out for more occasional blips providing more useless information on a variety of topics!

By the way I don't know if any one apart from my good friend hebs has spotted it but I've tried to give a "theme" to all my blips so far.

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