
By cracker


Home from work this morning, we had a couple of calls, one before bed and one after. Natarsha and Ethan came over this morning for our play date! Spence was in a lot better form than yesterday and he and Ethan played really well together.

They seem to have similar personalities, both lovely with nice manners and sort of considerate of others. They are not rough, full on boys which is sort of nice. They both have quite good language for their age and were having little conversations with each other today. It was so cute!!

We made cupcakes while they were here so we tucked into them after the boys had some fruit! Next Tuesday swimming starts again but Ethan is coming to the same class as Spence this term so that will be great fun! We will continue our play dates but do it after swimming from now on!

Spence had his sleep then we went over to Joe and Bev's this afternoon to bring them a cupcake each. Spence had a great time playing with Joe!

Tomorrow Spence is in daycare and I am planning on getting stuck into Light Room to see if I can use it!! So we will see what tomorrow's blip will be!!

Today's blip is of the icing on one of the cupcakes!

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