Blair Drummond Safari Park

To celebrate my actual birthday Mum and Dad took me to Blair Drummond Safari Park. When we arrived we had a picnic in the car. I was hungry, and told Mum "want lunchtime". I wouldn't eat the sandwiches Mum had made for me though, and my lunch consisted of 2 slices of melon, some strawberries and grapes and an apple & blackcurrant smoothie. I had eaten a packet of Skips on the way there in the car. The first thing we did was go to the sea lion show. Only one sea lion felt like performing today. Her name was Poppy. She was very good though, and did all the tricks. I was impressed! After that we saw meerkats, lemurs, penguins, otters and a big bear. Then we found the swing park! There is a pirate boat in a big sand pit and plenty of buckets and spades lying around. I spent ages trying to build sandcastles. Mum and Dad were very impressed by my concentration and determination to get it right.

And then more animals - the zebras, giraffe and elephants. Then Daddy bought an ice cream and let me share it with him. We'd done lots of walking by that time so we headed back to the car and drove around the animal reserve. I saw the camel, the lions, the bison and ostriches, but I don't know what else was there because then I fell asleep! Mum and Dad woke me up in Stirling, where we did some shopping to buy holiday clothes for me. After I had pulled the alarm cord in the disabled toilet in Debenhams and started telling Mum I wanted lunchtime again, we decided it was time to go home. And guess what? More presents! Pauline, Erin and Daniel from next door came round and gave me a card and present and Uncle Andrew and Auntie Linda dropped by too. They gave me a barn with some moondough, which you shove into the top of the barn and animals come out the bottom. I'm going to have lots of fun playing with that. Mum says that's definitely it for presents until Christmas time.

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