
That's what getting this shot was. For obvious reasons, my body wants to float to the top. Natural buoyancy aids as Corin refers to them! I'm not sure if the shot will meet the requirements of life.turns, as my arm isn't in exactly the right position and my left foot isn't flat on the floor, but Mother wasn't around to put her foot on my head to keep me underwater today, and to be honest, she was rather too gleeful about doing it yesterday so I tried to manage by myself!!!

Today is "T" in my alphabet of things to do with me.

Most people will recognise my description of myself as a "teabelly". Given the choice of a wide range of drinks, tea is always top of my list. Builders tea - well brewed, none of this "waft the teabag in the steam" nonsense.

I make excellent homemade tagliatelle.

I hate taking tablets, even tiny ones - they make me wretch. Probably why I will suffer a headache to the point of not being able to see straight, rather than take a paracetamol.

I am prone to going off at a tangent.

I eat take-away food, probably too much, but if it's a choice between cooking or getting a lovely curry from our favourite place, then its the curry every time.

I am selectively tactile. I am not a huggy person by any stretch of the imagination, except with Corin and James.

I am very temperamental. Quite twitchy at times too. Prone to losing my temper.

I studied RE up to (and including) A'levels, so that possibly makes me a bit of a student of Theology.

I partake in alternative therapies, particularly reflexology and acupuncture.

One glass of wine and I am tipsy!

Edit: I am ticklish - to the extreme. I think Corin finds it both amusing and a tad annoying!

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