Unrealistic request

Corin and I went for a bike ride this evening and we stopped to have a look at this magnificent specimen - a Mustang. Mint condition. Glorious. Corin asked if he could have one. Good wife that I am, I said "of course". When I win the lottery. Hell is likely to freeze over first.

We then got unbelievably lost and cycled for what seemed like hours. Eventually we found the Taberna that we sometimes drink in. Had a drink. Came back home and bumped into James and Mum walking around looking for us.

Now a little unhappy, because my underwater camera appears to be broken. It was fine when I went out and I gave it to James to record a video on. I have come back and it is full of moisture and the battery is dead. James assures me that he didn't do anything to it. I have made him unhappy too by interrogating him. Bad mother. Possibly it will dry out over night - I suspect that the bottom seal wasn't completely closed - Jimbo might have accidently knocked it. Who knows. Might just have to right it off. Bit sad though.

Applied a number of unguents to myself prior to our bike ride, as the nasty mozzies have managed to get me frequently in the last 24 hours - I now have 14 bites across my legs and ankles and frankly, its annoying.

"U" is the letter. I would normally say I was understanding, but given that I have just upset my boy, maybe tonight that is not a good description of me.

I am not to be underestimated.

I can be plagued by uncertainty.

I sometimes think I am ugly. I'm certainly unconventional.

I always forget to take an umbrella with me so frequently get wet.

Despite my being a horrible mum tonight, I do love my boy unconditionally. It's a peculiar feeling to feel that way about someone. I love Corin that way too.

I try not to be unfair. Sometimes I am.

Unhappiness was a big part of my life, now it isn't. When I am unhappy, it is fleeting and usually something transient that causes it - like numpty behaviour from idiots.

I am frequently unkempt. I'd rather sleep an extra 15 minutes than get up and straighten my hair and put make-up on.

I'm unique.

But aren't we all?

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