From Where One Stands

By cassandra


Not feeling great today. But took my camera for a walk to a lovely wooded brook where I used to play when I was a child. Set myself the challenge of getting some pretty shots of the water.

Unfortunately, the brook is no longer lovely. Cattle graze there now and its muddy, churned up, overgrown with nettles, smelly and actually rather unpleasant.

So the challenged evolved into getting a shot that I could use at all! Something that, even if not pretty, might be at least vaguely interesting in some way.

I gave up on the water (this will have to be a challenge for another day) as I couldn't find any redeeming features to it and the light wasn't at all good for photographing it.

So instead we have trees. Which I'm afraid I have had to edit a little to make worth using.

There is something slightly sinister about this shot. But I think that rather matches the place itself now. Not sure if the title relates to the shot itself or my feelings about it and the sad state of the place it was taken...

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