Chasing the sun
We were all a bit grumpy this morning, Mr B more than any of us. Every now and then he has a need for sunshine and, having been napping during yesterday's 20 minute burst of rays, he was feeling bereft. So we jumped in the car to go chasing the sun. Of course, by the time we were all ready to go, it was quite sunny at home, but we headed off anyway. We headed west for a bit, then north (ending up in Perth somehow) and then back south a bit. Finally stopped (in the gloomiest weather we'd seen all day) for a walk in the Ochil Hills. The walk, and a pub lunch afterwards, lifted spirits somewhat and - even though you could hardly call it sunny - it didn't rain. So that's a sort of a victory.
A puncture on the way home gave an opportunity for a morale raising team building exercise, and we arrived home full of the joys of, well, autumn I suppose.
This shot wasn't intended to go this way - it was actually quite a bright sunny moment when I took it and I liked the shapes and colours. But I managed to get the framing all wrong, so you can have it this way.
It was either this or a bee on lavender, and I'm sure we're all done with those shots for summer.
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