Another first!

19 days

Today was a first for Katie - today she went out in her pram, stayed in it, and didn't cry! Pretty much, I always use the sling now as she's not happy in the pram, but when it's cold and wet (like today was) and we're going out to get lots of shopping done, she goes in the pram. It usually ends up mummy carrying her anyway. But not today! Today she was so tired when we went out for a little morning jaunt to the shops that she fell asleep for 20 minutes.

Katie generally found it very hard when she was little to settle to sleep during the day, there was too much noise, activity etc going on. Today was no exception, we'd got in a bit late for her liking from the afternoon school run and she'd been a little disgruntled about it! This photo was just before her bathtime, she'd been playing in her chair, discovered the tags on her taggi and enjoying holding the ribbon i'd tied to the bar. And she nodded off. It lasted five minutes, but still. She looked so peaceful then.

The suit she is wearing was the first thing she ever wore after she was born. Before I had her, my sister had told me that they don't clean babies when they're born so to make sure baby's first sleepsuit wasn't white or it'd look horrid. So I picked one from Boots that says 'Got up on the cute side of the bed'. As it happened, when she was born, she was given straight to me, so I cleaned her as she was laid on me and she was clean when she was dressed!

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