22 days old

This morning her dad and I did breakfasts at her grandma's hotel. Katie spent the whole time asleep in a pile of cushions on the sofa! I love her fingers in this photo - she didn't really fit her hands for quite a while, bless her, they seemed so long but gorgeous!!

My friend Tracy came to see her and Katie blew a raspberry at her. She was really content and slept on tracy for a little while before coming for a feed.

My mum and dad came round at lunchtime, just as her dad was going to work. They'd brought a picnic with them, plates and all, so I didn't have to make anything or even wash up. This became a very precious weekly habit. They came, they brought me lunch, my mum made the tea and I got spoilt a little for an hour. It always meant a lot to me, particularly because by now Katie was getting colicky and also a bit stressed by life around her, she wanted her mum most of the time, but they didn't mind and made it very clear how much they loved her, even if she wasn't ready for cuddles. They accepted and loved her just as she was, and it made me love them even more for loving her like that.

After school, her other grandma and her aunties brought her half-brother home and came in for a cuppa. The kids were playing on the playstation as always!

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