Snuggly dressing gown

28 days old

This is Katie in the morning after her wash, she fell asleep on the bed as I dried my hair! She loved her snuggly dressing gown, I would often put it over her clothes in an evening just to make her feel even more snuggled in!

Today is a very exciting day. Katie has a new friend.... baby lyra is here at last!

My friend Jude took Katie and I shopping to chose her some pretty clothes from Next. We got a lovely little outfit for her to grow into. After a nap, we met Uncle Simon and Katie met her Uncle Andrew with Aunty Amy and baby William for the first time. Simon and I took her to have her newborn photo done. The lady said 'oh at 4 weeks they're too little really, she won't cooperate or interact'... she took her own words back later on.There's a beautiful photo of Katie, wide awake, very content, looking really cute! She was happy to be put on her tummy and lift her head to the camera, she laid on her back and wriggled, she even tolerated being put in some silly suitcase and wrapped in an england rugby flag.

After photo time I took her to clinic for the first time. She now weighs 8lb 8 oz!! I couldn't believe my little piglet had gained 9 ounces in a week.

Tonight Katie had a bath with proper bubbles in and she smiled at me when we got in it!!

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