Bathtime Baby

29 days

Before I started uni, I'd done a lot of nannying/childminding. I really loved it, and I really loved lots of my children, there were some families whose kids were incredibly dear to me. But nothing prepared me for how much I would feel for Katie. How every single day, her just being there could increase how much I loved her. Doing the littlest things for and with her made me feel so special and proud to be her mummy. Bath time was always one of those things. She loved it so much that i always treasured that time together, and still do.

Today when we took her brother to school, I parked up and went into the playground with them. His teacher saw Katie and I stood in the playground and asked us to go into the class to show them Katie.We took her in and the girls cooed, the boys (including her brother) sat at the back prodding each other. The teacher had a cuddle and asked if we'd leave her for the day!

We had a lovely lunch with my mum and dad again. They even brough cake this time!

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