Enrico and James

Despite the storm last night (I backblipped the storm) it has been tremendously hot and muggy today so James and I stayed inside till mid afternoon watching "outnumbered", drinking copious amounts of lime juice and eating donuts.

This evening we have been to Sinfonia de Roma, a local Italian restaurant and pizzeria. Their pizzas are gorgeous.

Enrico, the owner, speaks a kind of hybrid between Spanish and Italian. Italish / Spanilian. He was quite taken with James, and managed to convey to us that children are the future of the world and we should love them and take care of them. I was quite touched. It's a good job he couldn't understand the message on James' t-shirt "Sarcasm - one of my many talents" - he might have been less taken with him.

Had wine on an empty stomach and it's too warm - about 33 degrees at 9.20 in the evening. Need to go and drink water.

Sorry about the lack of commenting lately - limited battery life on the laptop. Boo.

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