
By cracker

Just resting!

Spence and I went to 'music and Movement' class today. We had a good time again, this week Ethan and Tarsh were there which was good! We came home, had lunch then Spence went down for his sleep. He did really well again in his new 'big boy bed'! I put him in at 1pm and didn't hear anything more from him until 3pm when he came out all sleepy eyed! I was sitting in front of the fire and Spence went and laid down on top of Makka Pakka for ages! I went and got the camera after a while and took a couple of photos of him! He saw me and said 'i'm just resting'!

I hired a big cage trailer this afternoon and Kaz and I loaded it up so that it's ready to take to the tip in the morning when it opens. I will hopefully take another couple of loads as well!

Update on the 'big boy bed'! We didn't hear a peep out of him last night until 7.03am when we heard a little knock on our door! Anything after 7am is ok for us!

Tonight when we put Spence to bed, we both had to go in there to read him three books. We came back out and sat down then we heard a little thump then the door open, then Spence come running out into the lounge room. Kaz took him back to bed, then another thump, door opening, then came to the doorway. Kaz put him back again. Another thump, door open then to the doorway again. I put him back so he doesn't just think Kaz is the mean Mummy! This continued for about half an hour including crying, asking for songs etc! He has been quiet for a while now so hopefully he is asleep in his bed! We thought it had been going too smoothly!

It will be interesting to see what happens if he gets up before 7am. He obviously doesn't know what time it is, so do we just keep putting him back in bed in the morning until it is 7am? Or do we just let him get in with us, or one of us get up with him and go into the lounge room??? We will see!

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