
By cracker

Yellow rose!

Busy day today! Spence and I took a load of green waste and a load of general waste to the tip this morning. Came home and had lunch then I put Spence down for his sleep. Kaz's mum, Cheryl, arrived as she is staying for the weekend until Monday. I have put the roast pork on already, Natarsha and Ethan and the rest of their family are coming over for tea tonight!

Today's blip is of a rose from our garden, the sun eventually came out today and is slowly going down, so the light on this was quite nice!

'Big boy bed' update!
Spence came in to our room at 4.30am this morning and expected to get into bed with us! Kaz put him straight back into his bed and we didn't hear anything from him until 7.45am!

When I put him down this afternoon, he mucked about and kept coming out of his room for nearly one and a half hours! He heard Cheryl so came out to see her, then at one stage was playing in the toy room! He has finally gone to sleep! I didn't want to give in today being only the second day of the new bed because then he would know that we aren't really serious!


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