Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat


Woke up this morning and decided to do something couply and go for a walk with the dog instead of doing more DIY or spending all day with the horses. So we left a lovely warm sunny day in Leicestershire and drove one hour to the peaks for some grey skies and continuous drizzle. Saw this cow on the path - this could well be one of the cows that Mr EG's DofE group were scared of last weekend. He was huffing and puffing a bit as I got close with the camera but other than that he was not bothered.

Back to the sunshine this afternoon and a ride round the reservoir on Jack who is about as woolly as this cow. THen home for a quick shower and change to meet some friends in town for dinner and the cinema. Saw Ratatouille - was very good and I didn't fall asleep. Time for bed now - sleep well.

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