Getting the hang of it.

By Ladyjuliejools

What's Your Poison?

A trip to Alnwick Gardens and a must do is a tour of the Poison Garden. You aren"t allowed in here without a guide, tours are every few minutes and taken by knowledgeable guides, this year we had Alex as our guide who took great delight in making the children in the group jump with his booming voice, great fun.

We learned that many of the plants we grow in our own garden can be used as poisons in one form or another, we were not allowed too close to the plant Henbane as the smell of it can cause some folks to faint and we laughed at the sign in the cage of the cannabis plant (grown under licence from the Home Office) that says "Please Keep Off The Grass"

At all times we were told how dangerous plants can be and also how dangerous the drugs can be and that we must always say no to drugs unless the doctor prescribes them. A fun and informative tour that lasted around 20 minutes, well worth it if you're in the gardens.

Later we explored the rest of the gardens and saw the lovely cascade and the water display. We also took a path that looks down over the Poison Garden and saw someone being filmed, we asked a gardener who said it was Jodie Kidd!

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