Plus ça change...

By SooB

Top Hat...

...White Tie and Tails.

I've been trying to upload this for so long tonight that I would have had time to go back and do a better job of it. I don't think my body is designed to fit into those outlines.

An annoying, not much achieved kind of a day. Mr B had a migraine, so I think he's had a similarly frustrating day. We managed a quick outing in the afternoon to look for some fossil centipede footprints that Mr B said were in some rocks at Crail. We didn't find them. Perhaps I'll go and do some research on where they actually are so next time we don't just show up at Crail and wander up and down the beach, not really sure what we're supposed to be looking for (in the rain).

Made up for it with some fossilised tree stumps (the kids seemed genuinely impressed) and a fish supper in Anstruther; not at the famous fish shop, but at the one that the Guardian said was even better. And very fine it was too.

EDIT: For those who are counting: 99.75%. :( I blame the fish supper. And that bar of chocolate.

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