All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Life is a juggling act ...

... and I'm trying to keep so many balls up in the air at the moment! Busy, busy day.

Popped in to see Mrs42 today, to pick up the prints that 42 took of Ethan last week. I have to say, they are FAB!

Then tanked it into Edinburgh for a hairdressers appointment. My sister & I had booked consecutive appointments so she could watch Ethan while I was having my hair done. I ended up having to give Ethan his lunch at the hairdressers. They have a comfy leather sofa by the big window so I popped him in the bumbo on there and he ate his lunch so nicely. I think he was distracted by all the vehicles going by on the main road that he just ate without thinking about it, haha!

After that, he had his first trip on a bus! I'm quite lazy and don't really "do" public transport, so it was kind of a big deal for me too to take the pushchair on the bus. My sister seems to think this is funny! But it was fine - he was happy enough on the short trip from Roseburn into Princes Street. We all wandered round town for a few hours and even braved the Royal Mile with all the festival goers.

Then home for the usual dinner, Ethan bedtime routine and lots more tidying up of the house before KC and her family arrive tonight.

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