
By Amalarian


This is not visually exciting, is it? No, it's traditional beam and tile construction and it is in an old barn. But look carefully. Anything odd? It's the gap between the upright and horizontal beam. Why is it there? It's old fashioned earthquake protection, something modern buildings lack even in earthquake zones.

I stand corrected on the purpose of the gap. A fellow blipper has said: "It is a medieval construction technique which was found to spread the stress of holding the roof up and enabled buildings to be built wider without the use of central pillars."

The focus is not good but this is a flash picture and I had a fair amount of trouble. There was no light in the loft apart from that coming in under the eaves and the small broken-out window through which I crawled.

The loft is chock full of old bicycles, nets for putting under olives, many black plastic bags filled with I don't know what, boards, empty demijohns for wine, old buckets once containing white wash and many other things that might come in useful one day.

I'd like to thank all those who commented or congratulated on yesterday's 200th blip.I have tried to thank each personally. If I missed anyone it could be because my computer is like a jumping bean these days and drives me crazy.

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