M - P - M - R

By MPMRobinson


Today we finally had some good weather, so we spent the whole day at the beach hut, on the beach or in the sea!

The water was freezing, but I still managed two swims, and the waves were big enough to be good fun...

There isn't really much to say about today, just because we didn't do much! We all lazed around, I read quite a lot and took lots of photos on both my digital and analogue cameras. I'm getting the hang of analogue and it's useful for learning about aperture and shutter speeds as there is no real auto setting. Of course, I'll have to wait and see how the pictures turn out...

Spent the last of the day lying on the beach watching the sky and trying to avoid being hit by a kite!

Last evening was hilarious, don't want to leave but looking forward to getting home and seeing Rob...

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