Dancing Nomad

By DancingNomad

Broadway Cowboy

So, I'm walking among the throngs of people from all over the world on Broadway, coming up to Times Square, when this near naked cowboy catches my attention.

He is surrounded by a dozen young Asian women, whom he gallantly escorts across the street, bravely protecting them from Yellow Cabs and the regular evening stampede of other tourists. Then he hugs them, one by one, while the rest of the squealing friends take pictures. Theatre on the street, hey, this is Broadway.

As I quickly snap this photo, lucky that the sluggish camera did focus, I sent a thought to Ingunn and Grete: is this a portrait? I had no eye contact with him, I had no relationship, no exchange of any kind! Am I stealing, here? Is this honest? is this OK?? Then I realized with a great sigh of relief that this guy is IN it and OUT of most of his clothes to be seen AND photographed by as many people as possible! He literally eats the attention up, and with this I am giving him some fast food. - As well as the rest of us! :D

All of this flew by my wee grey cells in the split second it took to snap that shot.
Dusting off my hands, I saunter on ~ got a show to catch, sleep tight under the stars in Central park with your Marlboro Man, Broadway Cowboy.

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