Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


Well after my few days scavenger hunting it's back to dull blips. If anyone wants to suggest some words for me to blip over the next week, that would be great as it really focused my photography.

Do you remember the days when toilets were simple? There was a nice little lever that you pulled and it made the toilet flush. If you wanted to be economical you could always put half a brick in the cistern to save water and if anything went wrong, you could lift the top and fix it yourself.

I miss those days, now we have dual button, close-coupled toilets where you have to know the magic combination of presses and lifts and turns to get the buttons out and the lid off and once it's off, there's still no way you can fix it yourself. Just as well I didn't wake up this morning to find the toilet wouldn't flush. No wait, that's exactly what happpened.

After a quick call to our friendly local plumber, being a past client, she was kind enough to squeeze us in and come and see what the problem was. At first it appeared it was a tiny disc of plasitc that was the problem, but on then showing us how to manually flush it, she found it was the whole flush mechanism. So she's taken that to see if she can get us a new one and we're left pulling the plug out on the toilet to flush it, yup, that round bit in the centre of the photo is a giant plug.

Not pleased, but in other news, we've a builder coming tomorrow to give us a quote for the stonework problem.

Milo took her first rat weaner last night, she had a few problems with it and I ended up having to leave it in her viv but when I went back through an hour later, she was coiled up in strike mode next to it with a look of "try and take this from me and I'll kill you". This morning I woke to a fat, content snake.

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