
By shy

Alien Invasion

Thanks to everybody who gave me advice on yesterday's blip.
Following a lead that stine gave, I decided I would perform further tests, and took loads of photos of white bits of paper. I thought I might post one, but that would be far too boring. The results are rather startling. Those horrible black specks don't exist anymore! There are about four dust particles (like stine's), that flick also saw - but not a sign of the phantom black specks.
This can mean only one thing - these were in the photo!
What they were, I don't know, but if I crop in really closely, they resolve into little disks with holes in the middle, and an unearthly glow surrounding them. My bedroom is obviously inhabited by tiny alien spaceships.

On a similar note, the picture of today is of an alien invasion in the office. At lunchtime, these appered on one of the desks - I didn't realise just how many people liked these sherbert-filled bits of cardboard, once the news of their arrival had gone round the building, loads of people came in and helped themselves (mainly while the owner was out of the room). Very childish I thought.
This isn't a particularly good photo - so you can have a look at an alternative pic that I couldn't post on Sunday. It's a picture of a very manly flower. I've included it because this was taken with the big camera - and there are no black specky alien spaceships to be seen.
PS Thanks shedmonkey for the flickr threads.

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