Cala Sa Colabra

Well, today was a very interesting (and challenging!) day. We took a trip to a beach on the north coast called Cala Sa Colabra. We had to drive through the mountains to get there, and we stopped off at place called Lluc on the way for me to get an apple juice (I have become obsessed with cartons on apple juice on this holiday). The road down to Cala Sa Colabra was very steep and windy. I was moaning in the back of the car and Mum and Dad thought it was because I was hungry, so Mum gave me some grapes. But when we got to the car park at the bottom, the real reason became obvious - I was car sick for the first time ever! Luckily Mum had brought a change of clothes for me. I soon recovered though, and asked for chips and mato mato sauce for lunch. Mum and Dad felt so bad about taking me on a long journey that made me sick that they agreed.

It was quite a long walk from the car park to the beach, and we had to go through a tunnel in the mountain! It's not like other beaches, it's all pebbles, which I loved. In the end we had a really good time there, although I stressed Mum out putting pebbles in my mouth (a habit I thought she would have grown out of by now, but obviously not).

Here's a video of me throwing pebbles into the water.

And here are some more photos of today.

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