Mini Milk

Uncle Charles and Auntie Kirsty went to Palma for the day today, so it was just Mum, Dad and I. In the morning, we went for a walk near the villa and saw lots of animals - dogs, a horse, ponies, chickens, a cockerel, turkeys and geese! I touched a cactus plant and got lots of little spines in my hand - it took Mum ages to pull them out. Afterwards we played in the pool. I really don't like the lilos, which is funny as last year on holiday I loved floating around the pool on the lilo. I was happy to sit on Mum on the lilo and sing Row Row Row the Boat. And once Mum pointed out that I could jump like a frog, I was happy to put my feet on the bottom of the pool as well.

After having calamari for lunch (cooked by Mum!) we went to Mal Pas. The beach there was very hard to find and Mum and Dad were getting a bit tetchy. But they were both happy once we did find it, because it was very pretty and there was musicon. Dad bought us all ice creams. I was happy with my strawberry Mini Milk until I saw Mum's Solero. That looked much more interesting. After I had finished mine I stood in front of Mum with my mouth wide open until she gave me a bit.

Here's a video of me and Mum on the lilo and one of me making a funny flapping noise with my googles.

And here's some more photos from today.

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