All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Poor wee Ethan is still really choked with the cold today. He's obviously knackered and out of sorts but considering how rough he looks, he has been fairly cheerful for most of the day. The main difference is he has been a bit more clingy - not sitting and playing by himself for long and cries when I leave the room. He's also struggling with the breastfeeds as he obviously can't breathe very well when he's feeding!

He was happily playing on my bed this morning when I was getting dressed, so I got the camera out. He refused to pose nicely though and ended up more engrossed in Cbeebies!

At least we got out the house in the afternoon. Yes, you guessed it. We went back to the Almond Valley Heritage Centre! This time to meet another mummy friend and her baby girl. I did offer to cancel due to Ethans cold but her wee one had a bit of a cold too so she was still happy to meet up. Ethan was really smiley as soon as we went on the trampoline and seemed to enjoy the soft play too. I think taking him out the house helped pass the day a bit quicker for both of us.

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