... Colombo, Sri Lanka

Up early, cab to the airport and arrived in plenty of time at 6.45am (this is important...). Got to check-in, short queue, and were told by the nice but dim check-in person to wait to one side for a supervisor. So we waited. And waited. Eventually said supervisor said "no seats" and told us we'd be getting an 8pm flight tonight - not good. Not good at all. I may have got a bit stroppy at this news - we'd gone from having a confirmed seat to being bumped, with the potential to ruin completely the next bit of our holiday.

Anyway, after much huffing and puffing the super-supervisor came over and gave us the good news that we were on the flight, and that we'd been moved up to business class - he was expecting us to thank him profusely I think, but by that stage we couldn't care less how we flew, as long as we made it. So, after much stress, and with only 55 mins until departure, we made our way through immigration, security and the shop (spending our last currency on tat), and boarded the flight, getting the front two seats.

A very nice breakfast onboard (smoked salmon, fresh fruit), a quick nap and a game of Scrabble (we know how to live), before descending to Colombo Airport for the main part of our trip. Driver collected us, got some local currency, and then headed to the nearby Wallawwa Hotel for our first night - a gorgeous boutique place that just exudes charm and style. The bathroom has to be seen to believed. Quick dip in the pool, a cold beer (first alcohol for days!). All very relaxing.

5 night tour starts tomorrow - can't wait.

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