Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Remembering David

Celebrating David's life was the focus of our afternoon. Mr. Fun's younger brother (his only sibling) died this past July. Because of family vacations and schedules that did not align, the service was postponed until today.

This afternoon all of the immediate family gathered--David's daughter and son and their families, our son and daughter and our grandkids, Mr. Fun's elderly mother, and the two of us. We watched a video of David from various moments of his life, and then several of us shared our memories.

David was an artist with a pencil, with a paint brush, and even more so with many musical instruments. He would hear a song and sit at the piano to play it. He also played guitar, drums, and harmonica. He was also a vocalist. Over the years he was in several bands--in the "Dirty Blues Band" with Rod Piazza, and with a group of teens years ago in a garage band called "Rat Poison."

Like so many, David got off track in his youth. He got involved with drugs and got in trouble with the authorities. He loved the girl across the street and together they had a daughter. Eventually David married another girl. They had a son and stayed married for about 10 years. For the past 20-plus years David has lived in the Palm Springs area and we would only see him on holidays when the family would gather for meals and celebrations. His daughter and son are both wonderful people who live in the San Diego area.

Each of us agrees that David was a kind, gentle, caring person. If someone needed something and David had one, he'd give it. He was definitely unique and marched to the tune of a drum that most of us don't hear.

He was the first member of the "Fun" family that I knew. David and I were in the same grade of school. So I've known him for years.

As I sat behind the family this afternoon so that I could take photos, I thought about how this family has grown since those days long ago. In the photo directly in front of me is our daughter and her husband, in front of our son-in-law is David's son, and to my right is Mr. Fun.

I also thought about how David was entirely too young to die. He died from liver disease which is directly related to his involvement with drugs which began in his youth. He will be missed more than words can express.

The memories of David are more precious now than ever. We know his past--the not so good and the fabulous. God knows David's future, and it's all fabulous. That's powerful!

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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