
His Lordship and I had the quickest ever visit to Glasgow this morning to give Granddaughter Nina her birthday present . She is now two and although she is usually a chatterbox she was obviously intimidated by the presence of both her Grandmothers and Grandfathers in the one spot, and remained uncharacteristically silent.

We met in the pleasant surroundings of Princes Square, much beloved by Edinburghers as it is fairly near the train station and has an up market ambience ....... that means expensive.

There is a cruel joke which says that the one good thing to come out of Glasgow is the Edinburgh train. Needless to say, the Glaswegians have their own version of the same joke!

His Lordship being uncomfortable in company was eager to leave sooner rather than later to do some shopping for a light for his study, so we left fairly early, only to have to walk further than we thought, Habitat having moved from Buchanan Street to the the wastelands of the upper reaches of Borthwick Street.
There, he couldn't decide on anything, so we retraced our steps back to the station.

We really should have gone to Kelvingrove Art Gallery to see the paintings by the Glasgow Boys, but his Lordship is feeling a bit under the weather at the moment and wanted to get back to the Dower House without further delay.

Not a great morning then, but the day was saved by the visit of daughter#1 who came in the afternoon for a blether.
And very nice it was too, sitting in the sun sipping a cider.

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