Keep Out

And the rains came and the skies fell to earth and it was a totally miserable start to a Sunday morning.
To alleviate the feeling of gloom that descended when I looked out of the window, I donned waterproofs and wielding an umbrella trudged over paths and roads with puddles the size of small lakes to have breakfast at my favourite eaterie and read their Sunday Newspapers.

Then it was back to try my hand at Irish soda bread with Kath Gordon's trusted recipe.
Most of the dough made its way into the oven. The rest was sticking to fingers, bowls, cupboard doors and utensils. Forty five minutes later and the bread emerged hot and tasty to be eaten with fresh raspberry jam and just a little butter.

Although the rain stopped for long enough for me to think it possible to have a wander around with my camera, five minutes after I left the Dower House there was another wetting smirr of rain which looked like it was on for the duration.

There was just time to blip this well and truly padlocked gate and beat a hasty retreat.
It's sunny again, but too late, I have some more Sunday paper reading to do.

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