
By weemusings

Catching up with friends and family

Today we caught up with a friend of my husbands who was down from Inverness for the weekend.
We walked along to the Orchard for a bite to eat before heading onto the Botanical Gardens. His wife came to meet us a bit later and shortly after my sister phoned. She had been in town with her husband and Ethan and they decided to join us. Since not everyone had had lunch we sat outside the cafe for a bit before taking a walk around the gardens.

We all then headed back to our house although I got a lift with my sister as I had worn myself out from the walking. My husbands friends stayed briefly before heading off for a concert they were going to in Glasgow. My husband was also going on a night out so my sister, her husband and Ethan kindly stayed for tea and kept me company for the evening.

A busy but lovely day!

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