
By dorrit

Going Home

This picture is for Cradlehall. He said that "they" are going to put a wind farm on the hills near his home. These are a small section of the ones near where Rachel and her sister live. I was leaving on the first day of my trip back to Oregon and I had to stop (not easy on this 70 mph road) and snap this for you! I ran in to three major traffic jams before I even got to the spot where I was supposed to meet FarawayGrandma. Then we were stopped right next to a very smelly stockyard for two hours while a roadside fire was being put out ahead of us. Thank goodness for the firemen!

After that we passed an SUV totally engulfed in flames! I hope the people got out before the car exploded! All in all, a trip that should have taken us about 10 hours ended up taking us almost 14! We arrived at my wonderful brother-in-law's (RoadWarrior), fantastic sister-in-law's and incredible niece (oryK)'s home REALLY late. They were still wonderful, fantastic, and although my niece was not there her incredible pasta was! (As was a nice glass of wine, warm shower and comfy bed, as usual!) Thanks guys!

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