
This is what is left of the apple I scrumped from the little apple tree in the castle garden before we left.

It was unripe when scrumped and I have been cosseting it ever since until it ripened and its little pips were brown rather than white. It had but two pips and one of them escaped before I managed to blip them.

Today was the appointed time to eat it, and I must say it was delicious.

Although I took rather a lot of blips with my Sigma 105 macro lens, in the end with no internet connection I had to post a blip on 3G taken with my I-Phone

It appears that the BT internet connection is down in large swathes of Scotland and Ireland.

Edit: After hanging on the end of our BT line for 20 minutes with the dear operator telling me to keep hanging on as my call was very important to her, I eventually am put through to a guy from Mumbai with a strong Indian accent, talking me through various procedures to get the internet up and running again.

I really don't need this at 10pm at night. I can hardly make out what he's telling me to do and I am having to make him repeat himself several times to my complete embarrassment and probably his too.

However the upshot is that things seem to be working now, so I suppose that's a small victory for perseverance.

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