That's me with my new camera and lens ;)
Of course, the first thing I did with them was to re-visit some of my favourite places to see the difference.
Up to the allotment early and did some mighty weeding and grass-cutting, then photographed the hoverflies and Nigella. Chatted to our neighbours Clarkey and Kit, who were waxing lyrical about the toilets at The House of Bruar and reckoning that Yogi Hughes would soon be getting his jotters. Good news is that Clark's cancer is confined to one part, and is operable :^D
Later I went off to the Water of Leith and blipped this Grey Heron (Ardea cinnereria), an old friend, up by the Weir. Actually, there were two of them there, this one, as you can see, was up a tree and having a good old preen.
I still sharpened the photo a bit, and cropped it (maybe 20%, I just prefer 3:4 ratio) Loving the camera :) Missing EZ :(
Best viewed with extra biggenation!
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