Rapid increase in heart rate

So there I am, minding my own business, taking some photos of the local "poake" (it's too big for a pond, too small to be a lake, and if I hadn't been carefully combining the words it would have been a "poke", at which point my opening line takes on a different meaning), when this ruddy great bird flies across the lake.

After my bejeezus returned (as it was scared out of me), it dawned on me that the object I had been trying to focus on in the distance of the pond/lake was not a heron scarer at all. It was in fact a bloomin' Heron. A big one too.

Whilst taking shots and waiting 30 seconds each time, I watched the heron stalk around the water clearly eating his fill. How can something be ugly and graceful at the same time? I am not referring to me - I am the opposite (pretty and clumsy!!! hohohohoho. One of those adjectives is accurate, the other is optimistic tosh).

Catching up on my back log of work now which is good. By half term I'll be up to date, including all of my coursework which will be marvellous. Right now, I need a brew and then I have a set of exercise books to tackle. I'm going to be kind and use green pen, not red. Can't have the little cherubs thinking I am being aggressive by using an angry pen colour.

(I kid you not!)

Val - if I don't straighten my hair, it has developed an annoying waviness which does not look cool and "just got out of bed" in the right way. It looks scruffy and like I couldn't be bothered to make the effort. Even IF I straighten it, the slightest bit of drizzle and "ping" - it goes wavy again. If I had a mind to, I'd be cheesed off about it. But frankly, it's not important.

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