
By Fisherking

Cue dramatic music....Ten,Ten Ten!

Just for today I'm abandoning my theme of song lyrics/movie quotes because it's 10/10/10.

You wouldn't believe the trouble I've had getting this shot!

I started out trying to be clever with a shot of an English 10 pence coin, a Czech 10 heller coin and a Russian 10 rouble coin. The flash just bounced back so much it was two silver and one bronze flash. So I adjusted the lighting and did without out the flash...I couldn't get focus. 23 shots and not one of them any use.

So....I looked for some notes, the English tenner was easy, but despite having Euros, Roubles, Dollars, Kroner and Turkish Lira scattered around the house I couldn't find any 10's.

Suddenly I realised that our £10 has the word or number 10 on it three times! Result! Except it took me another 12 shots and an iron (to press the note) to get one in focus.

That'll teach me to stick to something I can it be easier to take a shot and then think of/find a lyric/quote to go with it than it is to take a shot of a simple bank note?

Any way as 10 is the theme of the day, I present for you the "Official" 10 worst movie lines ever ( in no particular order)

If I can change, and you can change, then we all can change:- Rocky IV

Today we celebrate our Independence Day:- Independence day

Is it still raining? I hadn't noticed:- 4 Weddings and a Funeral

I love you. Ditto:- .Ghost

Ain't got time to bleed:- Predator

Nobody puts Baby in the corner:- Dirty Dancing

They may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom:- Braveheart

I think World War II has just started:- Pearl Harbour

Tell me about it.....stud:- Grease

You can be my wingman anytime. Bullshit! You can be mine!:- Top Gun

I'm sure you can think of some of your own!

Das vidanya, I'll let you know how the quiz goes tomorrow night.

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