
By dailykeith

Spice of life

I wonder what 'Yorkshire's best-kept secret' was doing sitting on a wall at the entrance to a central Bristol subway this morning?

I mean, you get used to half-drunk bottles of wine lining the landscape, and there was a smashed up beer bottle outside our flat today (see what a lovely place we've moved to!).

But Henderson's Relish? Apparently it can be used as a sauce on meat dishes, soups, and marinades. Cue visions of a Bristolian gourmet spreading a table cloth over the wall and drizzling relish over a dish of haute cuisine.

Or maybe the Henderson's website offers a clue.

It says: "The way in which our sauce is blended is still a closely guarded secret and at least once a year a rumour sweeps through Sheffield (where it is made) that the owner is retiring and taking the secret recipe with him. Upon hearing this, supermarket shelves are cleared as people stock up on their favourite sauce."

Perhaps the person who left this bottle had too many of them to carry?

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