secret garden

By freespiral

Light on the water

Icy windscreen and boots on this morning! But just look at this view!! I swear I stopped about 4 times in my drive in to work (8 miles) and just stared. The sun was brilliant and the reflection in the water blinding, but the clouds were also impressive. The fishermen were already at work in the distance. The day remained cool but bright and the mural is coming on a treat - we are aiming for completion by next week. Today the smalls each painted a large flower, colours of their choosing.
Last night's film Samson and Delilah was very depressing - it followed the plight of two young Aborigines and was not a very optimistic vision of Australian culture.
Tonight is the ladies' book club - tonight we should be discussing The History of Jigsaws by Margaret Drabble - quite a difficult book, well written, a bit rambling but the research is astonishing.
Then tomorrow we are off to see Joe, youngest son, in Bristol for two days - exciting! So it will probably be a spot of back-blipping on return. A bientot!

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