All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Scapa Cottage

Ethan & stayed overnight again at my parents house in Beith last night.

My parents had to go out for a few hours in the morning for a hospital appointment, so Ethan & I went for a walk round the town. Each time I walk past Scapa Cottage I think about blipping it, because I love the unusual engravings all over it. Today I finally got around to it! I've tried to find out the reason for the engravings, but all I can find on the internet about the property is

Scapa Cottage (also known as Dummy Cottage), the whole exterior of the sandstone building has indentation marks giving it a most peculiar appearance; in its earlier years it was used as a Toll House. A deaf-mute young man stayed in the cottage many years ago, hence it acquired the name "Dummy Cottage", a politically and morally unacceptable term nowadays.

Ethan made more progress in his attempts to crawl today. Now when he falls forwards, he can support himself well on his hands and knees, rather than falling on his tummy and throwing a tantrum like he was doing. He looks like he's so close to actually crawling now! He can also then get from that position back to the sitting up position which is a new achievement for today as well.

Hubbie got the train out from Glasgow after he finished work this evening and we've decided to stay another night here, before heading home in the morning.

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