All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Party Time!

I'm loathe to mention Ethans sleeping again today since I seem to harp on about it a lot. Suffice to say it was a rubbish night again and I've been very bleary eyed today!

Hubbie, Ethan & I came home mid morning and had a very quick turnaround. Fed the cats, had lunch ourselves, then went over to Edinburgh for a birthday party. It was for our 2 year old niece, Isla-Rose and was the first time we've caught up with all that side of the family since Ethan's naming day in August.

Ethan was in his element being surrounded by so many people paying him attention. His 8 year old cousin Ava was trying to watch Toy Story at one point and Ethan kept tugging at her top. I like the look they're giving each other in this photo!

We even let Ethan have a wee bit of birthday cake as a treat. He loved it and thew a bit of a tantrum when we wouldn't let him have any more!

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